Well, anyway, I have been trying to read Steven Tylers Rock N Roll Memoir. Only made it half way, too many F bombs for me. However, I particularly enjoyed the part about the bologna, but you will have to read the book for that. He did write something that struck a chord for me though. He wrote
"If you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
If you're a singer, everything looks like a song."
So if you are a quilter, everything looks like a quilt!
That is what I see when I look at sun rises like this. I wonder what it would look like as a quilt.
Ryan and Dennis went ice fishing up in the mountains last week. Dennis caught this trout between the snow flurries. How do you tell a happy fisherman, by the snowflakes on his teeth! But Dennis and Ryan would probably say by the bites they get on their line.
As I was leaving to go into town, I had to stop and wait for a herd of about 150 antelope cross the road in front of me.
Well, they say that the perfect female measurements are 36-24-36, just to use for scale, Bears collar is 21 inches, and we had to add another hole to get 3 fingers in it. What a big boy! Good thing that he does not have nasty bone in his body, well at least not when the sun is up, but when the sun is down, now that is a different story.
Holly turned 1 month old on the 26Th of January. We weighed her at 42# she was almost 16# at birth. Good growth for a 1 month old lamb! Too heavy for me to lift.
Peeping Tom strutting his stuff in front of his girls. One of my neighbors saw him and commented that I should send his picture into a hatchery or magazine due to his beautiful tail. She said she never saw one so nice. No wonder he likes to show off.
I have been busy in my sewing room. Both of my quilt classes have started up again, so I have been busy with my monthly assignments. One was an XO block. Made here into a pillow for Tera, out of brown, purple and sage.
A pastel purple, blue and white baby quilt that I made for one of my nieces new baby. I am really satisfied by the way this quilt turned out, as I am really not a "pastel" gal. I also used the XO pattern in this quilt.
Well, it is that time again, we gathered up all our tax information and sent it off to our accountant. All I know is that this year I want to use the same tax schedule that one of the wanna be presidential candidates is using.
More later..................................
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