Sunday, May 6, 2012

Welcome Stranger??????

We were out doing chores early in the morning which is our usual routine, when we were visited by this beautiful peacock. It actually belongs to our neighbor across the street. He is more of a "gentleman" farmer, and sleeps in, coming out to feed his cows and poultry after 9am. Well this bird saw us feeding ours, and thought that he would come and get his fill also.
Here he is after the livestock guard dogs spotted him. On top of the hay barn. One thing about peacocks, they can run like the wind, but not faster than a dog, so he took to flight, clumsy with his long tail. My dogs will usually chase hawks off our property as they fly overhead. Just doing what good dogs are bred to do. On top of the horse trailer.
Since I already had my camera out, I have decided to share some of our spring flowers that are blooming. These were gifted to me by my friend Linda. (Linda, the trumpets are starting to grow!)Purple Iris.
Peach colored Iris.
Wild Geranium.
Blogger. Well my blogger has changed the format to write blogs. I am having a hard time with it. Can't find spell check, when I put my writing in paragraph form, or put two spaces behind periods, the blogger does not do this for me. So bear with me for awhile as I figure this out. Takes longer to teach an old dog new formats I guess.
WEll, it is 52 degrees out with a predicted high of 60 for today. Not the 80+ degree record breakers we have had for the past days with gale force drying winds. Time to go out and do some painting on the sheds that have been waiting to be painted since last year. It seems to be always too, too hot, too cold, too windy etc. But no excuses for today. More latter...........................................................................

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