Saturday, February 27, 2010


Yesterday was just a beautiful day. The sun was so warm, there was only a hint of a breeze to contend with. It reached almost 50degrees and most of the snow is gone. I can hear the sound of the meadowlark as I do chores this am. Ah yes, spring is in the air, thank goodness! The old timers here state that this has been a record cold for Colorado, go figure that we would move to a place with a record cold year.
Last weekend it snowed for about 5 days, probably about 6-8 inches had accumulated. Large softly falling snowflakes, like the ones I used to cut out at school,that seem to go on forever,falling from the sky. I stick out my tongue and they slowly melt,adding who knows what kind of nutrients to my body. I imagine two lovers are walking hand in hand in the softly falling snow, talking and dreaming about their future together, not a worry or care in the world.....
Back to reality,the sun barely seen for 5 days, this is really a downer for me, I feel so much better when the sun is shining, it is one of the things I miss most about Arizona, that and my parents, that is. I remember when we first moved to sunny southern Arizona, the people were all so nice and happy, my dad said that is because the sun is always shining! Must be some truth to that. Or could it be that most of them are retired????
The previous owners have plantings along the house, probably crocus that are just beginning to peek out from under their blanket of dirt to renew and come to life. I wonder how they survive the below freezing temps every night? Survival of the fittest I guess.
My dad sent me a very special package in the mail yesterday. It came in a manila envelop with a big bulge in the center, but was very light weight. When I opened the package, I found a red baseball cap, much to my delight. I belong to the red hats of Wellington, and don't know how much longer they will put up with me going hat less, but this one will be perfect. All I need to do is add a little purple netting around the brim and maybe a red hat broach. I will be all set. Speaking of Red hats, we met last weekend on that snowy cloudy day and had pizza delivered, and watched the movie "Julie & Julia" Definately a chick flick, but it was so nice to be out with friends for good conversation, and food.
Here is a picture of me in my new red hat, that has not been doctored up yet. I will show you another picture of my hat when It is finished.
We have a big day planned in town today, so have to get going.
More later.......

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