Monday, March 15, 2010

Bluebird day!!!!

It is just beautiful, and spring is in the air for sure today. Dennis saw a few bluebirds the other day, so we thought that we should get ready and build some houses for them, in case they choose to nest here. I went on line to the national bluebird society to get directions on what type of house to build. Here is a picture of me putting the house together, we ended up getting 2 done. I did not plan it this way, but it looks like I am the lady in gray today.
I also took a picture of our unfinished chicken coop, we have a good start on it however. We will be getting our baby chicks and turkeys on or about May 15th. The window is facing the south. We want to get another window for the west, and with the door facing east, should be good cross ventilation.

Ahhh, the sounds of spring in the air! There is nothing quite like a husband and wife building something together to bring out the best in them..........each with their own way of doing things. But that is another story, for another day....
More later.........

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