Monday, June 6, 2011

Carbon foot print. They're back!

I'm late! I just logged on another 365 days to the 20,075 days, making my accumulated days 20,440 on this planet, my carbon foot print so to speak. Oh, here is my carbon footprint.

For all you folks in Arizona, the green stuff is grass, so cool and refreshing to ones bare feet. Remember the good old days, the feel and smell of fresh cut grass.I looked back on my writing a year ago, and I am still doing the same things. Post hole digging, painting, getting the farm up and running. Here are some pictures of the painting I did the other day, I painted three feeders, here is Timmy and Chester, by their freshly painted feeder.

and 2 dog houses that we put up on stilts to house our years crop of turkeys chickens, and guineas.

It took me about 6 hours to do them, and I did get a little burned. I have been watching craigslist for used dog kennels, and added another one to make a nice turkey run, until the turkeys are smart enough to stay home, and not get killed. Dennis was reading somewhere that the # 1 thing that turkeys do is try to get themselves killed. In other words, not too bright.
You have to do things when the getting is good around here, as the weather may turn bad. Just a week ago we were having cold rainy weather, now we are having record breaking heat up in the 90's. We still need to get some sun shades put up for the arrival of our new flock of Katahdin hair sheep.

They're back.
Miller Moths that is. But they are not going to be as numerous as they were last year. They are the moth stage of the army worm. Usually when I turn on the water, or outside faucets, 5-6 moths will fall out, or if you open a screen door, you are inundated by flying moths.
These are big juicy moths, believe me, I have squished my fair share of them. I saw on National Geographic a piece on Grizzly bears and it is reported that when they come out of hibernation, a favorite food for them is Miller moths, and they can consume upwards of 80,000 of these a day, they are very high in protein.

Peacocks, running across our back pasture, early one morning. their erie call is heard daily at our place.
When our new neighbors moved in last year, they took their peacocks, however they got out and have been wondering the neighborhood since, finding another roosting spot at a nearby neighbors horse barn.

Ryan and Dennis were able to escape the heat of the prairie and go up in the mountains to do some trout fishing. They caught their limit. Here is Ryan with one of the trout they caught, he always seems to catch the biggest and the most fish every time we go fishing with him. He is keeping us well fed with trout.

Our beautiful Tom turkey at dusk.

More later..............................................................

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