Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's a Girl!

We had an alpaca birth yesterday. Sara Lee gave birth to a girl, finally. Those of you who know me, know that I have had predominately male births since I started in the alpaca business over 10 years ago. Sara Lee is 13 years old, and I have only had one other female baby from her, Whosey Do, who I sold to a rancher up in Washington, so we are so pleased to finally get a girl. This girl is the first cria(baby) out of our herdsire Pulitzer Prize. I call him Prize for short. The baby is brown with a small white spot on the top of her head, and she was a huge cria. Will get a weight on her later today. One of her elbows was locked in the birth canal, but was easily remedied by me and she was delivered. Enjoy the pictures, and I will post more later.
Moments after her birth, have not named her yet.

Aunties checking out the new arrival. Sara Lee gave birth in her shelter as the other females were out grazing. She never did relax fully until the other females came in, as the rest of the herd will "watch" over mother and baby to keep them safe. Then the mother can relax after the birth and rest as she knows the other females are watching out for her and her baby!

All dried off and enjoying the warm sun. You can see Sara Lee's head in the picture. She is such a good attentive mother.
Looking up at mom. You will notice that her little tail is flipped up over her back, this is a sign of submission in alpaca body language, all the while mom and baby are humming to each other, which is their bonding process.

Head study of Roxie, who is due this fall, and she is pondering about her upcoming birth.

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